Well another HeroesCon has come and gone and as always we have to thank Shelton and Dustin for donating space and helping the Hero Initiative for have a fantastic show and helping us raise money for a great cause. If it wasn’t for convention organizers like Shelton we couldn’t do this so thank you so very much.
Now on to the news!
First off we had some of the greatest artists pay a visit to the booth including Ron Wilson, Matt Wagner, Steve Epting (who was a little under the weather) and none other than Darwyn Cooke. All of these artists donated there time at the show and helped us raise money so I just want to say a big thank you to all. Also without the help of our many volunteers this would also be impossible. So thanks to Tony, Lynette, Susan, Gary and Chris for helping us have a great show.
We also released the ne Mike Wieringo What If tribute book and if you don’t have a copy yet you really need to pick it up. This is about what if this was the Fantastic Four team and the artwork is rather spectacular. Shelton and Todd Dezago even put together a tribute party for Mike at the Fuel restaurant across the street from the convention just so a few friends could get together and tell a few stories and just remember Mike the way he would have wanted us to. We also had an art auction and auctioned off a few pieces of the artwork from the What If book and we should be auctioning the rest at a future date but the artwork was just mind boggling.
We did have one little snafu we were almost arrested for what I guess would be solicitation since we didn’t realize we were doing our auction on private property and we were told to stop what we were doing because it was illegal. Now of course Todd didn’t help much here because he kept saying “The Man is here to take us away” so of course it’s hard to talk when you are laughing at Todd. But we did get it figured out and continued with the auction which was a huge success.
Then Saturday we had one of two 13-man signings at the Hero Booth and we had some where in the neighborhood of 200 people standing in line that stretched all of the way to the entrance and we got all of them through the line in about 55 minutes so thanks to everyone one involved including my great set of volunteers that helped run everything so smoothly.
While they were running the 13-Man signing at the booth I had the pleasure of running up stairs to a panel where Mr. Van Allen Plexico editor of the book Avengers Assemble published by White Rocket Books was there to present a check for $1200.00 to me for the Hero Initiative fund. This was the proceeds from the sell of this book which you can pick up at Barnes and Noble or online at Amazon.com. This book covers 5 decades of the world mightiest heroes and just my opinion is a great read.So the show was a great success and I am already looking forward to next year.