Gene and the Propeller Beanie recently posted an interview they had with Gene Colan. Check it out here:
Gene Colan: Comics "Iron Man" — The Complete Interview recently posted an interview they had with Gene Colan. Check it out here:
Gene Colan: Comics "Iron Man" — The Complete Interview
The flier pretty much says it all! Get thee to Atomic Comics on Dec. 12! And as always, all glory and honor be to Tone Rodriguez!
Jim McLauchlin
We sent out PR, and mere moments after, MORE creators confirmed for the Paradise Comics "100 Wolverine" signing on Dec. 2. In addition to Dale Keown, Leonard Kirk and Ken Lashley, please welcome:
Agnes Garbowska
Francis Manapul
Marcus To
Life just gets better, eh?
Jim McLauchlin
A new model has arrived – The Hero Initiative Membership Drive Extraordinaire!
And what a blast it was. On Friday evening Nov. 6th, from 6-10pm, I put on my Hero Initiative official T-shirt and headed down to “The Comic Bug” in Manhattan Beach, (a two-time Eisner-nominated retailer) where they were hosting the first annual Hero Initiative Membership Drive night. The way it worked was patrons paid a $25.00 entrance fee for which they received the normal $29.00 Hero Initiative Bronze membership and the goodies that normally go with it. But in the words of that illustrious duck Daffy, “That’s not all folks!”
Attendees were also treated to a feast of many kinds. There was of course food and beverage, from Sushi to cookies, to wine and beer. And then a feast for the eyes, (he is a devilishly handsome chap but that is not what I am talking about), The magnificent, the one and only Tim Sale was there all evening signing autographs and gave away to each attendee a limited edition print which of course he signed on the spot. In addition he produced an original ten minute sketch for each of the fortunate first 10 heroes who bumped their membership up to the $99.00 Silver level.
As if that wasn’t already enough to make you kick yourself for missing out, Mike and Jun of the Comic Bug slashed the price of everything in the store by 50% for all those new hero members. Way to support the cause, guys….!!!!!
Membership cards were printed up on the spot by my friend and fellow volunteer Julie and each member had their picture taken for the Hero website and will be entered in the Hero Initiative drawing to receive free goodies.
And of course, Tim's buddy Richard Starkings showed up as well.
So while this event may have passed you by faster than the Flash, mark your calendars down for fall next year and join in the fun for the 2nd Annual Hero Membership Drive event which will be going strong nation wide and is sure to be another winner.
Susan Wiggly Weyl
The Comic Bug,
Tim Sale
The Hero Initiative is putting together an Ed Hannigan art exhibit to be shown at a museum in early 2010! As Ed has kept only a few of his own originals…we need your help!
If you have any Ed Hannigan art you can loan us for the exhibit, please contact Jim McLauchlin at: . We'd need to get the art in-hand by December 15, and can return it to you by April 30.
Jim McLauchlin
The Wolverine: Weapon X 100 Project book is at the printer, and alas, Carlo Pagulayan's GREAT cover will not be part of it—it came in too late owing to Philippines flooding and all.
But it will soon be available for auction, and deserves your eyes to peep it now.
And thanks, Carlo!
Jim McLauchlin
The Hero Initiative
11301 Olympic Blvd., #587
Los Angeles, CA 90064
Want to donate NOW? Do it through PayPal!