Five bone-simple Hero helps!
Our pals over at were kind enough to give some electronic ink to Five Bone-Simple Ways to Help Hero Initiative. So get over there, read the article, and ACT!
Jim McLachlin
Our pals over at were kind enough to give some electronic ink to Five Bone-Simple Ways to Help Hero Initiative. So get over there, read the article, and ACT!
Jim McLachlin
The Ed Hannigan: Covered exhibit is now up and running at the Cartoon Art Museum in San Francisco! The exhibit opened to the public just before Valentine's Day, and will run through June. And pssst! If you happen to be in the SFO and/or are trucking in for WonderCon, keep eyes peeled: We'll be having a swanky-special VIP party to celebrate on Friday, April 2, sponsored by San Francisco's kickass store, Comic Outpost!
Oh, yeah. Above, we're displaying the entire original art from Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man #64 by Ed and Al Milgrom.A variety of Ed's covers and layouts are on display. Clockwise from top, Marvel Team-Up #121, Incredible Hulk #260, Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man #76, and Green Lantern Corps #208.
The museum also has a display case where many of Ed's cover layouts are shown side-by-side with the actual comics. Above, Amazing Spider-Man Annual #17 and Ghost Rider #58.
And did we mention the entire original art from Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man #64? Yeah, I think we did. More above!
And of course, Ed's Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man #70 cover, generously loaned to the museum for this exhibit by our pal Weston Allen.
There are MORE pics on Hero's page, and you can find out one metric buttload more about the whole sheebang on our Ed Hannigan Hub page. More party details to come soon!
Jim McLauchlin
The Hero Initiative
11301 Olympic Blvd., #587
Los Angeles, CA 90064
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