Graham Crackers HERO Web Store

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Limited offer: Free Will Eisner poster!

The Will and Ann Eisner Family Foundation is a great organization that has done many nice things to help Hero Initiative. Here's one right now:

We have a limited number of promotional posters from the 2011 Will Eisner's New York exhibit at the Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art. While supplies last, if you purchase selected prints from Hero's eBay store, we'll kick in a FREE copy of this poster courtesy of the Foundation!

You can get the Frank Cho Howard the Duck signed or unsigned

Arthur Suydam's Zombie Scarface

The Toronto Comic Con litho signed by Terry Moore, Matt Wagner AND Marv Wolfman…

Clayton Crain's Robot and Girl

The autographed Ed Hannigan Spider-Man

…or the autographed Josh Medors Spider-Man.

Check ’em out, and thanks once again to the Will and Ann Eisner Family Foundation!

Jim McLauchlin